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Return Policy

Members may make payment with credit card and must provide their full name, billing address, credit card number and expiration date. You agree to pay for collection fees and associated attorney’s fees in case of account being turned over for collection. EatRite reserve the right to cancel an account without notice due to non payment. To cancel the service you must contact EatRite by e-mail or mail. Notification of cancellation must include the user's login name. Services are invoiced monthly in advance, and cancellations must be received at least five days prior to next billing cycle. Non-usage of an account is not proof of cancellation of service. You are responsible for full payment on all accounts whether or not the account is ever utilized. Any billing discrepancies shall be presented in writing, within twenty days of the date of the charge. Failure to dispute the charge after twenty days from the date of the charge, you waive your right to make any such dispute and all such charges will be deemed valid. In the event that you do not wish to automatically renew such Internet account, it is your sole responsibility to notify us of such intent prior to the expiration of such term.

Consulting services on all aspects of strategy from clinical development to lifecycle management. We are experts on pricing, managed care, scenario analysis/role-playing (war-gaming), patient flow analysis, and e-health.
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